What to Wear to Indy Pride This Weekend

Four ways to show your true colors.

It’s hard to stand out in a crowd of rainbow attire, but these shirts will do the trick for this weekend’s Indy Pride Festival must-do events.

1. This brand-new “no equality, no guacamole” design from La Margarita restaurant in Fountain Square benefits Indy Pride. $21. Sold at the restaurant, 1043 Virginia Ave., 317-384-1487, lamargaritaindy.com

2. Silver in the City coined the term “Naptownery” for all things Indy-themed—like this United State of Indiana flag pride tee. $32. 434 Massachusetts Ave., 317-955-9925 (store) or 317-759-4874 (United State of Indiana) for local pick-up, unitedstateofindiana.com

3. More Naptownery: This shirt from local artist Sunday Afternoon Housewife says “We Like You Here.” $30. Silver in the City, sundayafternoonhousewife.net

4. Keep Indianapolis Beautiful makes good on its name with this clever show of Indy Pride support. Steal the idea by finding six friends and seven American Apparel shirts, and stay in formation.