A Military Tribute Kicks Off Memorial Day Weekend

Lest we forget, Monument Circle takes its name from the great war memorial here. And the pomp and circumstance of a military parade suit it as naturally as the bricks.
On Friday at noon, about 50 soldiers, sailors, and airmen led a horsedrawn caisson carrying a flag-draped casket—empty, thankfully—around the Circle in a tribute to the fallen. And like the national anthem at the start of a football game, the solemn march gave way to cheers and the feeling that the city is about to enjoy the freedeom for which those men and women have fought.
Memorial Day Weekend has officially begun. Half of downtown seems to be sneaking out to Carb Day. Tomorrow brings the 500 Festival Parade. And while the weather was a little cold and drizzly for today’s service, the forecast calls for a scorcher on Race Day. Which only complicates the job of sargeant Ernie Morin, who helped organized today’s service and will be out at the track for more marching on Sunday.
“Officially, I enjoy every one of these events,” he says. “But let’s face it—this month is crazy for us.”