You may have noticed has a new look and feel as of this week, and its tablet- and mobile-friendliness are enhanced. That’s a good thing, as more than 40 percent of our website traffic comes in via mobile devices now.
Flash back to 2005: I was an editorial intern on staff here on Monument Circle, and there was no IM website. I eked out a few front-of-book print bylines that spring semester, but dipping into the worldwide Web of things wasn’t even an option.
Now, fly forward to 2014: Our website’s audience has grown exponentially in the past three years, and we’d like to think the quality of content keeps getting better, too. As of Tuesday, August 19, more change is at hand: We’ve enhanced our look online for tablet, smartphone, and desktop. You’ll find a site that’s easier to navigate and read, with more rich content and offerings. Plus, it’s just plain handsome. But don’t take our word for it, as it’s you who matters in this. Feel free to e-mail me at or to give your take. You can also tweet us, write to us on Facebook, drop a line on Instagram, or leave a comment below on this post. (No handwritten letters, please, as, you know, our digital department does try to stay paperless.) One respondent will win $100 to Ruth’s Chris Steak House!
We’ll continue to talk about the most interesting and engaging events and people, ideas and surprises, both city- and statewide. Videos, slideshows, reader surveys and polls, and much more will all be displayed better. We’re now easier to read, and it’s easier to comment and tell us what you think, no matter what route brings you to us.
As it did before, The Dish remains a mainstay, serving up the latest food-and-drink news almost daily. The Roundabout section of the site is new, a revamped version of our Circle Citizen blog, and encompasses the latest newsy headlines in the realms of politics, sports, and more. Our columnists—Philip Gulley, Sam Stall (a.k.a. The Hoosierist), and Deborah Paul—reside there, too. The Ticket, already in e-mail newsletter form, now lives on the website as well, with arts-and-culture events, interviews, features, and photo galleries galore. And The Thread blog covers you in all the latest trends where style and shopping are concerned. Highly anticipated content such as Top Doctors, Best of Indy, and School Guide is also right at your fingertips, whether you’re alert at your desk, lounging at home, or on the go.
What’s more, you can download each complete issue of IM for your tablet or phone. Read what you want, when you want. IM can be found in the Apple/iTunes, Zinio, and Amazon app stores.
One cool thing about the digital arena is that it’s so technical and creative at the same time. Long story long, we won’t waste your time. And if you feel something’s missing, please do reach out. I covet your feedback. We covet your feedback.
Thanks for reading.
Flash back to 2005: I was an editorial intern on staff here on Monument Circle, and there was no IM website. I eked out a few front-of-book print bylines that spring semester, but dipping into the worldwide Web of things wasn’t even an option.
Now, fly forward to 2014: Our website’s audience has grown exponentially in the past three years, and we’d like to think the quality of content keeps getting better, too. As of Tuesday, August 19, more change is at hand: We’ve enhanced our look online for tablet, smartphone, and desktop. You’ll find a site that’s easier to navigate and read, with more rich content and offerings. Plus, it’s just plain handsome. But don’t take our word for it, as it’s you who matters in this. Feel free to e-mail me at or to give your take. You can also tweet us, write to us on Facebook, drop a line on Instagram, or leave a comment below on this post. (No handwritten letters, please, as, you know, our digital department does try to stay paperless.) One respondent will win $100 to Ruth’s Chris Steak House!
We’ll continue to talk about the most interesting and engaging events and people, ideas and surprises, both city- and statewide. Videos, slideshows, reader surveys and polls, and much more will all be displayed better. We’re now easier to read, and it’s easier to comment and tell us what you think, no matter what route brings you to us.
As it did before, The Dish remains a mainstay, serving up the latest food-and-drink news almost daily. The Roundabout section of the site is new, a revamped version of our Circle Citizen blog, and encompasses the latest newsy headlines in the realms of politics, sports, and more. Our columnists—Philip Gulley, Sam Stall (a.k.a. The Hoosierist), and Deborah Paul—reside there, too. The Ticket, already in e-mail newsletter form, now lives on the website as well, with arts-and-culture events, interviews, features, and photo galleries galore. And The Thread blog covers you in all the latest trends where style and shopping are concerned. Highly anticipated content such as Top Doctors, Best of Indy, and School Guide is also right at your fingertips, whether you’re alert at your desk, lounging at home, or on the go.
What’s more, you can download each complete issue of IM for your tablet or phone. Read what you want, when you want. IM can be found in the Apple/iTunes, Zinio, and Amazon app stores.
One cool thing about the digital arena is that it’s so technical and creative at the same time. Long story long, we won’t waste your time. And if you feel something’s missing, please do reach out. I covet your feedback. We covet your feedback.
Thanks for reading.