Photos: Indy Pride Festival Reaches Record Attendance—85,000

With more by-the-numbers notes from a week’s worth of Circle City IN Pride events

A record-setting 85,000 people came out to the Circle City IN Pride festival in downtown Indianapolis on Saturday. That day-long main event crowned a week of unprecedented attendance at various niche events within the Indy Pride, Inc., family. The festival and its parent organization make for a well-oiled machine at this point, with 1,000 human and 600 canine comers at its annual Pet Pride event, along with five felines, and 35,000 onlookers at its June 8 parade. On the same day, pop singer Mýa and more song-and-dance acts regaled fans with a bevy of entertaining numbers on a bright day with near-perfect weather for such a fest.

Indy Pride president Nick Murphy had this to say: “While we absolutely lucked out in the weather department, the record crowds are a testament to the hard work of our volunteer planners. They have a fundamental knowledge of what the community wants, and they are dedicated to casting the widest net possible so that we can attract people to all the events that make up Circle City IN Pride.”

Festival co-chair Chris Morehead continued that thought: “The continued success we have seen once again this year is a direct product of a solid foundation, one of the best volunteer teams I have ever had the pleasure of working with, and a community that is stronger and more diverse now than I have ever known it. This diversity is mirrored in the wide array of events catering to just about everyone under the rainbow. I am proud of what we have all accomplished as a team and look forward to beginning the process once again for 2014!”

More standout stats and figures appear below, and the Indy Pride website houses even more. See photos from the Pride parade below the infographic. (See more Indy Pride coverage by clicking here.)