Unspoken Rules of Mutt Strut

Bone up on the May 15 fundraiser for IndyHumane, now at Garfield Park.

• No need to whine for treats. You can collect enough free swag in the vendor area to feed a pack. You’ll have to listen to a sales spiel, though.

• Walk the route early—before the cool-off swimming pools along the way become mucked up.

• Pavement can be tough on tender paws. Hit the grass for relief.

• Those pups with wheels in place of missing front legs? They’re probably rolling around on the Indy-made TurboRoo.

• More Frisbee dogs.

• Tired doggies in wagons? Great. Strollers? Mmmkay. Baby Bjorn? Side-eye.

• Antibacterial before the food trucks.

• The upside of spring showers: dogs in raincoats.

• Poop bags are plentiful, so use them.

• There will be butt-sniffing. Just let it happen.

For more info, visit IndyMuttStrut.com.