Day Job: Logistics and fulfillment manager with HardingPoorman Group, overseeing operations that send an average of 3,500 job orders through the door each month.
My Super Job: Logistics Committee volunteer (ELW–Equipment, Logistics, Warehousing)
What That Means: I secure areas for storage and staging of the materials needed to host a Super Bowl in our city.
Team Work: Everyone in Indianapolis wants to be connected with the Super Bowl. Volunteering has been a great opportunity to collaborate with the contacts that I have acquired working in shipping and logistics, and afford them that opportunity. If we can help pull off a great showing for our city, it’s a win-win for all of us.
Super Bowl Winner Prediction: I would have to go with the Green Bay Packers. They seem to be the team to beat.
Dream Super Bowl Celebrity Sighting: I think Jeff Bridges would be an interesting guy to meet. I am a huge fan of his movies, and he’s not a bad music artist, either. I’m sure I could make “The Dude” a mean White Russian.