David Letterman Opens up on His Beard, Broad Ripple, and Women in Late Night Television

The Hoosier grew the beard because he was tired of shaving every day for forty years.
Retired talk show host David Letterman sat down with NBC News over burgers at his old teen hangout Steak ‘n Shake, where he beefed about shaving and discussed the possibility of something nesting in his beard. The full interview with Tom Brokaw airs on Dateline NBC’s On Assignment on Sunday, 7 p.m. ET. Here’s a taste:

On the beard.

“I always told myself when the show goes away, I will stop shaving. I had to shave every day from 20 until I was 68.”

On his mom’s Broad Ripple home, originally purchased for $8,000.

“This is a two-bedroom house and years later, when my mom moved out of there she sold it for $30 million.”

On women in late night television.

“I don’t know why they didn’t give my show to a woman. That would have been fine.”


Gallery: David Letterman Post-Retirement