10 Things I've Learned While Locked Up in the Vonnegut Library
I’ve become aware that my coworkers and friends are watching. I’m deathly afraid that someone will compile a gag reel of me scratching or tripping over the retention wall of books that pens me in.
Flashback: A Conversation with Kurt Vonnegut
Interviewer Hugh Vandivier is presently “locked up” at the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library in Indianapolis in observance of Banned Books Week. As of this posting, the Robert Weide–produced documentary about Vonnegut, referenced here, had yet to be completed.
Hoosier Artist’s Collaboration with Civil-Rights Icon Strikes a Chord
When it was released last month, the Washington Post wrote that March “should be stocked in every school and shelved at every library.”
Flashback Photo: Happy Birthday, Angela Buchman!
We've been taken by her presence ever since she shot an iconic "Best of Indy" cover with us for the December 2003 issue of the magazine.
Video: Angie Hicks on Watch What Happens Live!
The Indianapolis CEO worked it on Bravo's hit talk show last night.
Jane Pauley Visits, Shoots TV Show Segment
Smiling and laughing despite the heat, the Hoosier native was in Indy to shoot a segment for her Today series, “Life Reimagined,” at the Indianapolis International Airport.
Flashback: Julie Perry's Confessions of a Yacht Stewardess
This month, Hoosier Julie Perry releases the second edition of a book that has turned into a bible for becoming a crew member on glamorous mega-yachts. Here's the article that started it all.
Q&A: Andy Murphy of Across the Arts (and Yes, Ryan's Mom)
"If you want the arts to thrive in your area, you have to support them with funding. Apparently, our community’s priorities are elsewhere."
Culture Counter: Green Screening
As a Nerdfighter, Hannah Lindgren did her best to keep her film on the group from becoming “a John Green fangirl piece.” In the photo accompanying this story, she had no such obligation.
King of the Kill: An Excerpt of Frank Bill's New Novel,...
His knees cracked down onto the cold, hard concrete floor. Jarhead followed him with the still-warm barrel of the gun. Touched the rear of Dote's skull. ... Jarhead was restless and a bit worried. He hadn't beat on a bag since the robbery. He needed to expand his lungs. Feel some flesh give.