lost and found opener

Lost and Found

I am 28 years old—the age my mother was when she was killed by a woman who drank, used drugs, and then slid behind the wheel of a car. For years, I tried to fill the hole that lost left in my life—with bitterness, with a search for the woman who killed her, even with alcohol. And then finally, I stopped reaching into the past and found what I was looking for.

Bible Belter

The midday sun has finally emerged from behind the top tier of the Circle Tower in downtown Indianapolis, and gradually, it starts to lift the building’s broad shadow. Sunshine slowly pours into Monument Circle. The old cowboy grins.

Broken Hearted

In the mythology of Peanut, she was dropped off on Earth to study our way of life, light enough to be transported by butterflies...

Ewww, That Smell

Reports on the stink emanating from the players of hockey from the team Indianapolis Ice as of January 2003. Reason for Indianapolis Ice to leave the International Hockey League; Money earned by players of the Central Hockey League during a five-month season; Various facilities provided by the team to its players; Cause of the stink; Various odor-fighting agents used by hockey players.

Keeping The Faith

The nuns at the Carmelite Monastery don't want their community to die when they do. But can they recruit a new generation of sisters without compromising their most sacred beliefs?

Viewpoint: Peyton Manning

There are modest solutions being posited: Grant Hill, with his self-reflexive, "Image is Nothing," advertising campaign and Tiger Woods' Golf 101 spots. Are players today role models if they comment on the marketing spin while they are in the process of spinning?