Jim Jones: The Dark Side of Indiana
Yes, we know: Guiding 913 well-meaning followers—including hundreds of children—to their deaths is absolutely indefensible. So this is not an apology for Jim Jones.
Granddad Gone Bad
Chris Carlson left Indianapolis with his three grandsons for a male-bonding adventure in the Grand Canyon. Then he went to prison.
IM Crime Files: In the Name of the Father
“We are all defined by our fathers,” says Bishop T. Garrett Benjamin of Mmoja Ajabu. “Everything we do in life is either in honor of, or in reaction to them.”
The Long Con
Phil Ferguson pulled off one of the biggest frauds in Indiana history, duping clients out of millions of dollars and staying one step ahead of the law.
When Will Kristine Bunch Be Free?
After one son died in a house fire, Kristine Bunch of Greensburg did 16 years for murder and arson while separated from her other child. Eventually she won a grueling fight for freedom and a chance to be a mother again. But some things, she discovered, were lost forever.
Mean Streets
My old neighborhood used to be a nice little place to live. But since I moved back, rampant crime has made it a desperate, dangerous wasteland. It just took a botched burglary at a friend’s house for me to wake up and see it.
The Indy Lawyer With A Manslaughter Conviction
“It’s pretty much known by everyone around here,” a Marion County deputy prosecutor says of Mark Nicholson's background.
Looking Back On Indiana’s Most Infamous Crime, 50 Years Later
The details of her demise, revealed at the 1966 trial, defy belief. Here, a peek at the lives of the participants in the murder of Sylvia Likens 50 years later.
Chilling Transcript of Dr. Gregory Konrath’s Alleged Murder Plot
The strange story of Dr. Gregory Konrath makes it to prime time with a spot on ABC News' 20/20 on Friday, September 18.