Indy's Central Library Ranked No. 5 Most Beautiful in Nation

With its wide bookshelves varying from dark aged wood to more modern circular cases, The Indianapolis Public Library—Central Library—writes the book on combining old with new. And now it has been chosen by as the fifth most beautiful library in the United States. With contenders among these Top 10 such as the Armstrong–Browning Library at Baylor University in Texas and the Morgan Library in New York, Indy should be flattered. Most of the edifices chosen are on the coasts, and Indy's downtown main branch is the sole Midwest rep on this list.

Purdue Memorializes Astronaut Alum Neil Armstrong

Monday saw a windy late-summer evening on Purdue University's campus as a crowd gathered to honor the legacy of Neil Armstrong. We all know him as the man who flew to the moon and back, but the students of Purdue University know a humble man. 

Man on the Moon: Remembering Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong is a boyhood hero of mine. He is one of my heroes not because he was the first man to walk on the moon, although that has something to do with it. He is my hero because he came from my hometown of St. Marys, Ohio.

WIBC Radio: Evan West Speaks to State Fair Tragedy

Reflecting on his experiences with interviewing survivors and others affected by the Indiana State Fair tragedy in August 2011, executive editor Evan West speaks today with 93.1 host Steve Simpson. Audio from their conversation appears here at right. Simpson himself was one who reacted quickly on the ground to report the stage rigging collapse on August 13, 2011, just before the country band Sugarland was to take the stage.

Ball State Students Debut Vonnegut Library Exhibit

Honestly, I didn’t pay that much attention while reading Slaughterhouse-Five in high school English class. Even though it was short compared to other required books—I’m looking at you, Crime and Punishment—I didn’t fully understand the themes. So when assigned to check out a public media event for a new exhibit fashioned by Ball State University students for the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library, I was a bit apprehensive. My Vonnegut knowledge was slim. Yes, I knew that he was from Indiana and that I should be proud of that. I also knew that he had one heck of a mustache. And that’s about it. So when I walked into the KVML yesterday, I was a clean slate personified, although my soul felt dirty for the Slaughterhouse-Five crime.

WTHR-TV Honored for State Fair Tragedy Coverage, More

WTHR-TV will be honored for its broadcasts with two National Edward R. Murrow Awards on October 8. The coveted prizes recognize outstanding "electronic" journalism at the national level and in TV and radio markets both large and small. Representatives from the station will receive the awards at a ceremony in New York City.

Tony Bennett Honors Indiana Teachers at Statehouse

Dozens of intriguing six-word essays peppered the Indiana Statehouse lobby on Monday, penned by anonymous Indiana students and parents speaking to the best attributes of a number of Hoosier teachers. The brief and sometimes emotive and/or hilarious posts came from all corners of the state.

46 Super Reasons to Love Indy

I. The Vonneguts were here (and still are). The new Kurt Vonnegut mural along Mass Ave has made the likeness of Indy’s most famous...

Monument Circle Makes National Top 10 List

The American Planning Association has confirmed something that we at IM have known for years—nearly 35 years, in fact.

Breaking News: Stan Lee's Indy Appearance CANCELED

Attendees who signed up for ExactTarget's upcoming Indianapolis conference hoping to see pop-culture icon Stan Lee are in for a big disappointment, Circle Citizen has learned.   Last month, the interactive marketing company, headquartered next door to Circle Citizen’s 40 Monument Circle offices, announced in a splashy