Eat Sheet: Libertine, Bent Rail Brewery, and More

This Week’s Trends in Indy Dining
» Libertine is now open at its new location in the basement of Pizzology (608 Massachusetts Ave., 317-685-2550).


» Bacon Legs & Turntables (1 N. Meridian St., 317-737-2662 ) will debut its full menu during the grand opening on either February 27 or 28 (TBD). The curiously named restaurant has been serving a preview menu for the past month.


» Craig Baker and Derek Means of Local Eatery & Pub open their second venture, Bent Rail Brewery (531 N. Winthrop Ave., 317-737-2698), today.


» Kate Krader, Food & Wine magazine’s restaurant editor, is in Indy today—and she’s loving on Milktooth.