Unspoken Rules: Valentine's Day at White Castle

A manner-festo for the cheap date tradition.
  • Make reservations (317-269-4590). The White Castle candlelight dinner, with table service, really is a big thing.
  • Be prepared for friends to see you on TV. The local news loves this story.
  • This isn’t prom. Jeans work.
  • Try Castleton for pink lights and table settings, Avon for a devoted staff.
  • A dainty order might be three sliders and Chicken Rings on the side.
  • Hint: The engagement ring goes on a mozzarella stick.
  • It’s chivalrous to make sure your date doesn’t slip on a freshly mopped floor.
  • Onions, grease, bad lighting … this might not be so romantic. Have a Plan B.
  • Can’t get a table? Try Dairy Queen. That chain’s version of fast-food date night started in Carmel.