What’s in That? Fried Tandoori Chicken

Marrow chef John Adams pulls his favorite flavors off the Indian buffet with this spin on the country’s traditional dish.

Hover over or tap the image for details on this dish.


• Inspired by his messy plate at Indian buffets, Adams haphazardly swipes the sauces around the rim of the dish.

• A refreshing mint chutney spiked with cilantro, fennel, lime juice, and ginger.

• Miller Poultry in Northern Indiana supplies whole chicken thighs. The meat soaks in tandoori masala for four to six hours. After roasting the marinated poultry, Adams dredges it in seasoned chickpea-and-lentil flour before dropping it into the fryer.

• Tangy tamarind chutney injected with orange zest.

• Yogurt sauce infused with an earthy, spicy blend of coriander, cumin, paprika, and chili powder.

• Bell peppers and onions sauteed with lime juice, garlic, ginger, and cilantro.