Body + Soul: Life Lessons

Discover new skills, even rekindle romance, in fun classes.
Photo courtesy Classpop

AH, New Year’s resolutions. Inspiring … yet usually futile. In 2024, instead of aiming (again) to hit the gym six times a week, consider more realistic self-improvement. How about learning something new? Taking time for yourself for a change? Or instituting a monthly date night with your partner? Classpop, a platform where you can book no-skill- needed group classes in Indy with a local teacher, checks all three boxes. Among the options are art lessons—including Learn How to Paint Like Monet and Paint Your Own Pet—dance instruction, pottery classes, and flower arranging tutorials. Or opt for a cooking class, from Effortless Indian Cuisine to New England Comfort Food. Coming up are Home- made Naan and Hummus on January 6 and Chimichurri Pasta from Scratch on January 27. Wine or beer can be purchased at the venues to enjoy during the two-hour classes.