Pack Mentality: 5 Great Monon Trail Groups

Cardio time? This quintet will keep you company.

Run with a Cop

Westfield Police Chief Joel Rush is turning the idea of running from the cops on its head. His free organized workout promotes fitness among members of his force and the city while strengthening ties with the community. On Wednesdays at 6 p.m., up to 50 people meet Rush at Westfield’s BlueMile athletic-apparel shop and feel the burn for about 4 miles. (Call BlueMile for info, 317-571-0505)

On the Trail to Fitness

Each Wednesday, a personal trainer leads this outdoor one-hour Monon Center fitness class through warmups and walking exercises along portions of Carmel’s greenway and adjacent Central Park trails. Classes are structured so participants can adjust the intensity level. The eight-week session beginning July 10 costs $30 and is open to nonmembers. (317-843-3875,

Indy Runners and Walkers Club

Launched in 1978, this group has grown to include more than 800 members. In the summer, an average of 50 come out on Saturday mornings to train for the Indianapolis Marathon and Monumental Marathon, both in the fall, by working up to 22-mile jaunts from the deck by Brugge Brasserie in Broad Ripple. An annual membership costs $20. (

Carmel Runners’ Club

Since 2011, this year-round club has increased to 175 members and now represents runners from six countries and all ability levels. About 40 to 50 people meet at the Monon Center for short runs and walks on Tuesday evenings and longer sessions on Saturday mornings. Because many members train for a half or full marathon, runs range from 3 to 18 miles. Dues are $35 per year. (

Monon Cycle Society

Started by a former INDOT commissioner in 2004, this 30-member commuter group heads downtown on weekdays from two meeting points: Carmel’s Monon Center and the 96th Street rest stop. The Sociables group takes it slower, riding from 96th Street to Broad Ripple for coffee on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. In October, the Society hosts its annual Monon Century, a 100-mile, 13-hour tour of the trail end to end—three times. (Call 317-250-9626 to register for e-mails)



 Photo by Tony Valainis

This article appeared in the June 2013 issue.