Well-Read: Top Docs Prescribe These Six Health Books

The Deadly Dinner Party (Yale University Press, 2011), by Jonathan A. Edlow, M.D.
Diagnosis: Fascinates with tales of rare and mysterious ailments and helps readers understand why a doctor often has to play detective
Recommended by: Bianca Ainhorn, M.D., rehab specialist
The Secret Life of the Grown-Up Brain (Viking Adult, 2010), by Barbara Strauch
Diagnosis: Proof that people get more optimistic and organized with age, despite those memory slips
Recommended by: Ann Zerr, M.D., internist
Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy—Until You’re 80 and Beyond (Workman Publishing Company, 2007), by Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, M.D.
Diagnosis: Claims to help men delay 70 percent of normal aging, such as weakness, sore joints, and bad balance
Recommended by: Jianan C. Graybill, M.D., radiation oncologist
The Fatigue Prescription: Four Steps to Renewing Your Energy, Health and Life (Viva Editions, 2010), by Linda Hawes Clever
Diagnosis: Preaches against “living your to-do list” and charts a detour around looming health crises through self-assessments and a doctor’s advice
Recommended by: Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber, M.D., internist
The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet (Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2014), by Joe Cross
Diagnosis: The filmmaker behind the hit documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead extols the virtues of “liquid sunshine”
Recommended by: Mary Maluccio, M.D., oncology surgeon: “I think everyone would feel better if they understood how easy it is to ‘drink’ fruits and vegetables. Costco and Sam’s Club make it less expensive to buy them in bulk. Add a little ginger, and you’re golden.”
The Boy Scout Handbook (Boy Scouts of America, 12th edition, 2009)
Diagnosis: Sensible nutrition reminders and emergency techniques for the outdoorsman—or Good Samaritan  Recommended by: William Wooden, M.D., plastic surgeon: “You can’t beat the chapters on healthy living, first aid, and CPR.”