Hot List 2.27.15

Stylish Stuff We’re Loving Right Now

1. Grifter Co. handstitched leather gloves at James Dant offer a type of Rorschach test for men. The style-conscious “Bandoleros” serape look will cheer you up for a winter or two, but you’d wear the rawhide “Scoundrel” for years. (Psst: The Irvington men’s shop hits the one-year mark this weekend.) $84 and $88, respectively; James Dant, 5624 E. Washington St., 317-974-9715,

2. How groovy: The ridges of the “Pill” trivet from Carmel design studio Luur are hard to resist tracing over and over again. Visiting the emerging studio near Main Street should be on every design-lover’s to-do list. $90. 520-F Industrial Ave., Carmel,

3. British magazine Cereal publishes a travel-book series called Guided. Its London edition was just released in the United States for Yanks who count themselves among the Monocle set—in fact, the guide includes the Monocle store and similarly stylish destinations. Pick it up at Printtext’s first-anniversary party Saturday, February 28—and cheerio, old chap. $15. Printtext, 652 E. 52nd St.,

4. This razor-sharp white sheath with an edgy open-latticework skirt is very Claire Underwood–at–New York Fashion Week. $302. Enza’s Boutique, 320 N. Meridian St. (Chamber of Commerce building), 317-951-4085, Facebook page

 5. Continuing the trend of statement products, this tee from Indy’s Liberation Roasting Co. speaks to (and for) the socially conscious coffee addict. Find it at Liberation’s Fountain Square shop, open weekends. $15. Liberation Roasting Co., 1354 Shelby St., Ste. C,

The Hot List is our weekly roundup of retail favorites.