If you can put this necklace on without humming along to Tom Petty, you’re made of sterner stuff than we are. Silver in the City, 434 Massachusetts Ave., 317-955-9925
Give peace a chance, is all we are saying. Civvies, 1134 E. 54th St., 317-653-1169
These offbeat, pretty, sustainable necklaces feel like boho chic for the new millennium. Homespun: Modern Handmade, 869 Massachusetts Ave., 317-351-0280
Because summer hasn’t really arrived until you’ve broken out your retro sunnies. Anthropologie, The Fashion Mall, 317-574-0803
You know that loafers-sans-socks look? Not everyone can pull it off, but with these flexible kicks, you will. 14 Districts, Hanover Place, Carmel, 317-805-1857