Hot List: Silver in the City, Fivethirty Home, and More

Stylish Stuff We’re Loving Right Now

The Hot List is a weekly round-up of our very favorite Instagram finds.

Parks & Rec fans, take notice of this politically charged (yet somehow cheery) Amy Poehler print. $20. Silver in the City, 434 Massachusetts Ave., 317-955-9925; 111 W. Main St., Carmel, 317-993-3669

Back in stock. #fightforindiana

A photo posted by Silver In The City (@silverinthecity) on

Toasting the holidays is just more fun with sparkling, vintage-inspired William Yeoward “Fern” champagne glasses. $280. Charles Mayer & Co., 5629 N. Illinois St., 317-257-2900

#williamyeoward #fern #ferncoupe #townandcountry #charlesmayer

A photo posted by Charles Mayer & Company (@charlesmayerco) on

We love us some vintage capes, fresh off the truck this week! Prices vary. Queen Bee Vintage, 111 E. 16th St., 317-916-8125

The cheery flowers being ferried by the silhouetted bicyclist in this piece of wall art offer a welcome glimpse of spring all year long. $162. Be The Boutique, 5607 N. Illinois St., 317-257-3826

Just cute stuff!

A photo posted by Be The Boutique (@betheboutique) on

We’ll take one of everything in this photo, thanks. Fivethirty Home, 20 N. Main St., Zionsville, 317-567-7781

Hang a #sled on the wall? Yes, I think we will! #christmasinthevillage #zionsville #indiana

A photo posted by E r i c a C a r p e n t e r (@fivethirtyhome) on