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Josh Bleill

AGE: 33

A Night at the Red Key

"As all of us change, this place stays the same. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to get in here. And one of the first times I bartended, my grandfather was sitting at the end of the bar watching everything I did. Which was intimidating. I just wish he could see me back there now."


Lecture Series IndyTalks, a new series of discussions designed to spark civic dialogue and share big ideas, offers a cool alternative to sleepy auditoriums. At one of this year’s events, presenters talked simultaneously about arts and globalization while their microphones were turned up or down based on audience votes. indytalks.wordpress.com
Lucas Oil illustration

When We Build It, Will They Come?

The Indianapolis Colts, a winning team on the field, would not be financially viable in the modern NFL if they had to spend another two decades in the Hoosier Dome.
Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy: Can This Nice Guy Finish First?

Winning—and Dungy's famous defense strategy for winning—is what people ask about all the time. Ultimately, Indianapolis’s new football figure’s present notoriety comes back to race.

That’s A Mora

With 119 NFL victories, Jim Mora ranks 20th among all-time coaches, but he's the only one with zero playoff victories. So, is his glass of Gatorade half full or half empty?

Keeping The Faith

The nuns at the Carmelite Monastery don't want their community to die when they do. But can they recruit a new generation of sisters without compromising their most sacred beliefs?

Viewpoint: Peyton Manning

There are modest solutions being posited: Grant Hill, with his self-reflexive, "Image is Nothing," advertising campaign and Tiger Woods' Golf 101 spots. Are players today role models if they comment on the marketing spin while they are in the process of spinning?