At Home: Humorist Dick Wolfsie's Office

A beloved author amuses us with a trip down memory lane.
With the release of his new book on November 1, author, columnist, and WISH-TV personality Dick Wolfsie rolls out the highlights of his 35-year career with an impressive display of eclectic keepsakes.
Wolfsie’s beagle Barney made 3,000 TV appearances before passing away in 1992. William E. Arnold, who created animal sculptures for the Indianapolis Zoo, made this barbed-wire replica.
A signed Garfield caricature from Jim Davis.
Shortly after Wolfsie won his first Emmy, for Best Talk Show Host in the Midwest, he was hired by Good Morning New York—but was replaced by Regis Philbin a year later.
To his knowledge, he was the first TV host to incorporate a puppet—and a dog—into a daily news segment.
Wolfsie exchanged notes with famous humor columnist Art Buchwald throughout the years. This one from Buchwald reads, “I’m so glad you went straight, because I was sure you were going to end up sticking up 7-Elevens.”
Wolfsie’s current pet, Toby.
“Barney was on the cover of IM twice, and I’ve been on it none,” says Wolfsie.
Wolfsie never runs out of material for his humor column—like this letter from Social Security denying his prostate exam because its records list him as a woman.
Wolfsie befriended Richard Simmons when he worked in the Big Apple. “He lived in my neighborhood, so we jogged together in Central Park,” Wolfsie says. “One day, somebody snapped a picture of us, and it ended up on the cover of the National Enquirer with the caption ‘Jog with your lover.’”
Although Wolfsie has written 12, he jokes that the first three aren’t worth reading.  His new paperback, The Right Fluff, is a collection of his best columns from the past three years.
From 1986 to 1991, Wolfsie created and hosted his own TV show at Union Station. This sign greeted guests as they entered the studio.