Lily & Madeleine Share Their iPhone Playlists


Haunting, ethereal harmonies may be the trademark of Lily and Madeleine Jurkiewicz, better known simply as Lily & Madeleine, but their tastes run the gamut from classic rock to the latest indie bands. (“I like to listen to music that doesn’t sound like what we do,” says Lily.) We asked the pair of sisters to press “shuffle” on their iPhones, and this is what came up:
“Lucidity” — Tame Impala
“Hello, San Francisco” — Margot & the Nuclear So and So’s
“Tiny White Asters” — Shannon Hayden
“Riders on the Storm” — The Doors
“Vagabond” — Beirut
“No. 1 Party Anthem” — Arctic Monkeys
“My Moon My Man” — Feist
“Oh! Darling” — The Beatles
“Taxi Cab” — Vampire Weekend
“Hell of a Season” — The Black Keys
“Bluest” — Gentleman Caller
“If I Were Free” — Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
“Pyre” — Son Lux
“Architects & Engineers” — Guster
“Polite Dance Song” — The Bird and the Bee
“Bloom (Bonus Track)” — The Paper Kites
“The End” — Best Coast
“Guns and Roses” — Lana Del Rey
“One to Another” — Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
“Do I Wanna Know?” — Arctic Monkeys
The Ticket 2014 coverThis article appeared in The Ticket, a 2014 special publication.