Mini-Marathon Breaks Records: By the Numbers


The 500 Festival Mini-Marathon came and went (quickly!) this past Saturday, May 5. Runners, walkers, and wheelchair racers took to the city’s downtown and near-westside streets, pounding the ground for competition, for personal health, for charity, and with the intent, for some, of clocking personal-best times.

Here, a rundown of some of the day’s most interesting digits:


31,129 — Number of participants who finished the race’s 13.1 miles, a new event record

240 — Number of participants who needed medical attention, another record

90+ Humidity percentage at 7:30 a.m. when the 5K race started

60s Temperature (in degrees, Fahrenheit) when the 5K race began

1:05:08 Time (in hours, minutes, and seconds) achieved by George Towett, the day’s top finisher

1:15:22 Time turned in by the top female finisher, Lilian Mariita of Kenya

5 Number of Kenyans who finished among the top 5 male runners (the best American, Jesse Davis, finished 6th)

1 Number of spills that Davis took on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway track, when he collided with a wheelchair racer

2.5 Miles around the IMS track that Mini runners, walkers, and riders get to “relish”

15 Years in a row that the top male finisher in the Mini was Kenyan, until 2011 when a Moroccan won

16:42 Time clocked by the top 5K finisher, Ben Hendricks, an 18-year-old Brownsburg High School senior

360 Days until the Mini’s next iteration

$60 Cost, until November 30, to run in the 2013 Mini-Marathon on May 4, 2013 ($75 as of December 1)

11 Years in a row that the Mini has sold out with 35,000 participants

36 Years that the event has taken place


>> BONUS: Did you see our list of Mini do’s and don’ts? Keep them in mind as you prep for the race’s 2013 running!