The Funniest Team IndyCar Moments From The Amazing Race

Conor Daly and Alexander Rossi run for the finale finish line tonight. Catch up on the bromance moments you missed.
Conor Daly and Alexander Rossi got off to a rocky start on the current season of The Amazing Race when Conor botched a spelling challenge in Iceland—and made viewers wonder if the athletes were all brawn and no brains. But Team IndyCar hung in week after week and came on strong when it mattered, finishing first in the last two episodes. Tonight, they’re one of four teams racing for the $1 million grand prize, which, according to the season’s storyline, Conor needs so he can move out of Alex’s house, where he’s been sleeping on the sofa.

Conor has been the show’s one-liner machine, while Alex, the 2016 Indianapolis 500 champion, has been more serious and smart, quick to defend drivers’ intelligence when the two were compared to a team of Yale grads. (Alex went to college, as Conor pointed out.) While you’d think professional drivers would dominate a show that is entirely a race, their skills have helped them only a little bit. When they bickered, they got over it quickly—because, Conor said, during an IndyCar race, they have to put mistakes behind them immediately. Alex’s familiarity with Bahrain, where he has been “like 10 times” with Formula One, helped them navigate the confusing roads. Our favorite moment, though, was when they had to roll tires through the streets of Zimbabwe’s capital and find a specific truck to load them onto, and they mistakenly loaded them into a vehicle that had nothing to do with the show, completely confusing the driver. Unfortunately, there’s no good video of that priceless pit-crew fail, but we found five other moments that earned Team IndyCar a big following:

When they wore French fry costumes…

…in Belgium, to race another competitor in pushing a cart loaded with bags of frozen frites. Alex won. And he described the action as only a racecar driver can—listen.

When Conor had fun splashing through muddy puddles…

…in Iceland, the first episode, while looking for letters in a field. He failed to notice that each letter was numbered, which would have told him the order of the word he had to spell later. Instead, he struggled with the challenge and got roasted for it online.

When Conor snuck a drink of beer…

…after he and Alex completed a challenge in Prague to create the perfect pour. This is how you earn camera time.

When Alex ate three scorpions and a frog…

…just watch what the little beasts to do Conor’s nipples.

When they got lost in Provence…

…with Conor repeatedly saying form the backseat that they needed to go left, as an IndyCar driver is wont to do.