Finding parking can be stressful.
Rise early for a meter on Illinois or Capitol and skip the price-gouging garages and lots.
You’ll get some quality walk-jog-stretch action as you head to the start.
Plan B: Ask a friend to rise with the sun and drop you off. “Tuck and roll!”
Apply some anti-chafing balm to key areas.
Think you could use a Porta-Potty pre-race? Just do it.
Don’t try to chat with people who don’t want to talk. Some aren’t in it for the social life.
It saps no energy to smile at strangers rooting you on.
Watch for the belly dancers in White River State Park and the cloggers near Allison Transmission.
Pass the time by scoping out funny and inspiring signs (“You Are All Kenyans”) along the route.
The IMS can be deadening, aside from pockets of cheerleaders. Turn up your iPod and duck your head.
That final 0.1 mile will be the longest of your life. Bust it out.