CSA Confidential

If you’ve splurged on a COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE membership, take these simple steps to protect your investment. Because thyme is money.

If you’ve splurged on a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) membership, take these simple steps to protect your investment.
Because thyme is money.

From our August 2018 Hoosier Kitchen package.



Don’t wash berries until you use them; excess moisture speeds spoilage. Store in a single layer in a plastic or glass container to minimize bruising.

Try this: Make homemade fruit leather. Blend 2 cups berries, 1/3 cup honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, and 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice until smooth. Spread to 1/8-inch thickness on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake at 160 degrees for 6 to 8 hours, or until fruit darkens and is dry and tacky. Cut into strips with pizza cutter and roll up in wax paper.



Store in a paper bag in crisper drawer of refrigerator. Wash right before cooking and dry with a clean cloth or paper towels.

Try this: Dry mushrooms in a dehydrator and store in an airtight container at room temperature for months. Rehydrate in warm water for 25 minutes when ready to use.



Remove greens from the tops immediately, because they feed on the carrots, reduce nutritional content, and speed up degradation. Store carrots in a sealed plastic bag with cold water.

Try this: Turn the greens into pesto. Combine washed greens, 1 clove garlic, juice of 1/2 lemon, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in bowl of a food processor. (Optional: Add handful of pine nuts or walnuts.) Pulse until roughly chopped. Turn food processor on; drizzle extra-virgin olive oil through the feed tube to desired consistency. Salt to taste.



Store leaves in an unsealed plastic bag with some paper towels scattered throughout to absorb moisture. Wash right before using.

Try this: Revive slightly wilted lettuce leaves by soaking them in ice water for 15 minutes.



Snip off bottoms of herb stems and store leaves in a Mason jar or skinny vase in refrigerator. (For basil, follow same stem-snipping procedure, but store at room temperature.)

Try this: Finely chop herbs and place in an ice cube tray. Add olive oil or melted butter on top of the chopped herbs. Freeze. Pop frozen cubes out of tray and store in airtight bag. Use when needed in soups, sautés, or other meal plans.



Leave room in the budget for these tools that can help your CSA goods survive the winter.

Home dehydrator: Dry everything from apple chips to jalapeño peppers in an economical, beginner-friendly dehydrator.

The Ball Complete Guide to Home Preserving: An all-encompassing guide from the Indiana-based granddaddy of canning supplies.

Vacuum-sealing kit: No zip-up plastic bag can compete with a vacuum sealer for freshness and longevity.

Read more from our
Hoosier Kitchen package here.