Hot List: The Cozy Fall Finds

Stylish Stuff We’re Loving Right Now
The Hot List is a weekly roundup of our very favorite Instagram finds.

How cozy does she look? Ponchos are still going strong for fall, and we’re loving this pretty sea-glass shade. $108. PillowTalk, 3933 E. 82nd St., 317-574-8990

A vegan leather camel skirt looks just right with simple pieces, like this black turtleneck and tassel necklace. $53. Oak & Ivy Boutique, 8643 E. 116th St., Fishers, 317-284-1457




For when you’re just not sure: this versatile card. $5. Silver in the City, 434 Massachusetts Ave., 317-955-9925; 111 W. Main St., Carmel, 317-993-3669

Got the Mister Ed theme song in your head now? Either way, check out this United State of Indiana not-your-typical-sports-tee. $28. Order online at United State of Indiana

Fans of vintage industrial chic, give serious thought to this triple-stack coffee table. $450. Society of Salvage, 1021 E. Michigan St., 317-964-0513