Local Notables Paint the Town Yellow for Lemonade Day

Hoosier Momma co-founder K.C. Cranfill, personal-finance expert Pete the Planner, and Mayor Ballard brought some color to the downtown canal in an effort to encourage business skills among young people.

When IPS third-graders were presented with a dreary weather lemon earlier today, they made lemonade. Students from the IPS Center for Inquiry School 27 joined Mayor Greg Ballard and three local entrepreneurs to turn the canal into “lemonade” ahead of national Lemonade Day on Saturday, May 17.  

“Lemonade Day is a fun way to teach kids about strategic decision-making, the value of money, and how to give back to their communities,” Ballard said. “It is my hope that these young entrepreneurs grow up to impact our city in big ways.”

Entrepreneur, inventor, and Indianapolis native Scott Jones said children who participate in Lemonade Day are “honing their entrepreneurial skills for a very bright future.”

“There is no doubt in my mind that we’ll be hearing about these kids down the road,” Jones continued, “doing extraordinary things in our community and beyond.”

Tomorrow, Lemonade Day participants will open their own stands around the city.


More info about Lemonade Day.

Photos by Alyssa Shufelt