Honey, I Dropped Off The Kids

Recreation options in the evenings provide kids entertainment and adults a stint of time to themselves.

Supervised summer night activities are a hit for the entire family. They get to stay up past bedtime, and you can plan your evening around a child-free night—if only a very brief one.

Kids and a coach sit on the floor of a gymnastics gym.
Photo courtesy Dana Mannix

Photo courtesy Dana Mannix

Dana Mannix Gymnastics Center offers a few Saturday Night Out camps from 5–9 p.m. this summer. Activities include an open gym, bounce house, and pizza, of course. Visit danamannixgymnastics.com to register.

Indy-area Sky Zone trampoline parks host after-dark Glow Nights on designated weekends until 10 p.m. Visitors don their finest DayGlo attire to bounce along to a DJ playing music amid the black lights and glow sticks. It’s like a rave for ages 6 and up. Visit skyzone.com to purchase tickets and sign a waiver.

Area YMCA locations host a variety of themed Kids Night Out programs for both members and nonmembers. Kids get to do crafts, play games, and swim (ages 5 and older). Pizza dinner and snack are included. Visit indy.recliquecore.com for dates and to register.