What We’re Really Doing This Weekend In Indy: Flat 12 Beach-Themed Film Night, Virtually Scaling El Capitan, and Antiquing at Society of Salvage

Wrigley Field


 Road-tripping to Chicago for the Pearl Jam concert at Wrigley Field—if only to feel the earthquake when Evanston native Eddie Vedder sings “Go All the Way,” about being a Cubs fan. At Wrigley Field. Probably wearing a Cubs jersey. Sob.

» Road-tripping to Cincinnati to cheer on Carmel’s Rajeev Ram—a silver medalist in Rio for mixed-doubles tennis—at the Western & Southern Open. And hitting Jungle Jim’s for spicy olives and serve-yourself salsa.

» Scaling El Capitan in Yosemite—virtually—in the Robert Redford–narrated IMAX 3-D movie National Parks Adventure, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the country’s parks system.

» Hoping against hope that this beauty is still for sale at Society of Salvage:


 Going to see what all the Open Society buzz is about.

The tomahawk steak at Open Society Public House
The tomahawk steak at Open Society Public House

» Having one too many (brats) at the St. Thomas Aquinas Sausage Fest.

» Drinking in Libertine’s cool basement.

» Catching “Drankspeare”—the Bard, on a beer buzz—by Indy’s EclecticPond Theatre Company at IndyFringe.


 Admiring rental costumes at the Indianapolis Art Center’s Alice in Wonderland–themed ArtSparkle tonight.

» Staking out a baby pool at Flat 12’s beach-themed Twilight Film Night Saturday, featuring Weekend at Bernie’s under the stars.

» Donning a bib Sunday for the first Chefs’ Night Off seafood boil, at Sangrita Saloon.