Located along the downtown-Evansville strip, Tin Man Brewing Co. proves a welcome addition to Indiana’s craft-beer bonanza. In the tasting room, order a flight featuring the label’s entire quintet: a robust porter, an Irish dry stout, an American IPA, a pilsner, and an Irish red ale. Opened last fall, the brewery offers not just polished, go-down-easy beers, but also eco-friendly packaging. That means no bottles. “Cans are infinitely recyclable, and they’re better for the beer,” says brewery president Nick Davidson. Tin Man’s home base is itself a rehabbed delight: The building hails from 1869, once a boarding house with a first-floor tavern—and the original hardwood floors have been repurposed as the current tables. Recycle and reuse, in the best way—that’s the Tin Man motto. As to designs on an Indy move, Davidson says that a humble start will breed expansion: “We’re gonna work our way out. We want to self-distribute as long as we can.”
1430 W. Franklin St., Evansville, 812-618-3227, tinmanbrewing.com.
BONUS: Q&A with Nick Davidson
Photos by Jordan Barclay
This article appeared in the May 2013 issue.