Boo! Internet Star Behind Prancercise Will Be at Irvington Halloween Festival

Web sensation Joanna Rohrback will do her thing, sign her book, and serve as grand marshal of the costume parade.

Who’s ready to Prancercise? The organizers behind the eastside neighborhood’s Historic Irvington Halloween Festival are betting that 8.3 million YouTube views can’t be wrong.

Joanna Rohrback, the self-proclaimed Queen of Prancersise, is set to appear at the fest’s final day, October 26. Catch her capering while you can: The multitasker will walk jog perform her routine at the appropriately titled Red Dress Fantastically Fun Jaunt in the morning before serving as grand marshal of the event’s costume parade. On the heels of that, Rohrback will sign copies of her book, Prancercise: The Art of Physical and Spiritual Excellent, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bookmamas (9 Johnson Ave; 317-375-3715).

» See Rohrback talking about Prancercise here.

Will you glide over to the proceedings to meet her and even Prancercise yourself?

Historic Irvington Halloween Festival, Oct. 19–26,