Editor’s Note: Jump, flip, and paddle for joy–we’ve found nine calorie-burns fit for fun summer living, plus tips on motivation from the Hoosier star of Bravo’s Toned Up. Ready for Zumba in the pool and spinning to Poison? Shake it to the right. To see all Health & Fitness articles, click here.
Stuck in a yoga studio? Open your mind to one of these inspiring locations.
The Museum
Contemplate your breath in the quiet, lofty environs of the IMA galleries, spaces tailor-made for reaching a yoga state of mind. Saturdays at 10 a.m. (registration required). $10 members; $13 nonmembers. imamuseum.org
The Circle
Yogis, unite! Monumental Yoga, an annual spectacle, hopes to draw 2,000 flexible folks to the bricks this year. There’s also a session for kids 6 and older. June 21 at noon. Free. monumentalyoga2014.eventbrite.com
The Park
You don’t have to live at Saxony in Fishers to join classes outdoors in Witten Park. $7. facebook.com/saxonylakeandbeach for dates
The Virtual Beach
Broad Ripple High alum Karena Dawn films scenic workout videos on the shore in Manhattan Beach, California, as part of Tone It Up, an online community she started with her best friend. New videos every Tuesday. Free. youtube.com/user/toneitupcom
The Lake
Stand-up paddleboards substitute for mats when classes take to the lagoon in Carmel’s Central Park. The water’s motion ups the balance challenge. Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 11 a.m. $80 for four weeks; free preview on June 28. htlyoga.com
The Antique Center
Novices will appreciate the free intro class at the Southport Antique Mall on the second Saturday of every month, coinciding with the center’s new vintage marketplace. 9:30 a.m. Free. southportantiquemall.com
This article appeared in the June 2014 issue.