My Look: Jennifer Magley

This Indy local spends her time on the clock as a media consultant, but is definitively a fashion icon 24/7.

Do you have any go-to shops you frequent?
My clothes must speak to me or have a story to tell. Local consignment shops like Amanda’s Exchange or Nuova Vita Vintage are helpful in crafting that narrative. For custom pieces, I am fortunate to work with Regard the Brand and couture-wise, I shop from Mallory Talty as she has the largest collection for sale in America.

What’s a piece you couldn’t live without?
A blazer for business video calls. It’s been said that 90-degree angles are not found in nature, so I wear blazers hoping to impose a level of power that is unnatural. I want them to have the chills and wonder, ‘Where did she come from?’

How do you incorporate your style with being an entrepreneur?
Being an entrepreneur is the ultimate outgrowth of personal style. It’s a choice that screams: I bet on myself every single day. So from that posture, if it’s not bold I don’t want it. The aim as an entrepreneur is to feel confident and hopefully my clothing communicates this message.

What tips do you have for someone who wants to feel and look more confident? 
Only buy clothes that get you compliments. If you walk out of the fitting room and it’s crickets, put it back. That initial moment with your clothes is the beginning of a relationship. Let it be love at first sight. Then when you reach for the fit there’s a feeling of passion.”

Solid colors or patterns?
Solid. However, more patterns have been creeping in lately. I’m 6 feet tall, so it’s a lot of pattern when I go there.

How do you choose your accessories for your outfits?
The bigger the better. I’m not trying to fit in. That said, they still must be functional, meaning earrings that are not too heavy and rings that stay on my fingers, since I am a big hand-talker.

Any makeup tricks to share?
I have quite small eyes that disappear when I smile. I was looking for something to offset that and it turned out to be eyeliner. What an illusion, right?

Do you have any idols?
Tracee Ellis Ross, because we both have larger-than-life mothers and adore a red lip.

What’s one fashion trend you love?
Women wearing whatever they want at any age.

Any you can’t stand?
Don’t hate me, but all the beige and neutral on Instagram. But hey, maybe that’s good because it helps risk takers standout more. Long live the brave.