What a cool way to jazz up a jacket.
It’s Oscar de la Renta, and I’d worn it for a couple of years and then put it away. It was boring me. So I got safety pins in different colors and created an ombre effect. [And later, a silver version.] I’m not a designer; I’m a tweaker. I enhance things.
Oscar—how fancy.
I work for a living and don’t mind buying a good-quality piece now and then. My father always said, “With every paycheck, pay your bills and then buy something for yourself. Because that is what keeps you going back to work.”
Other tweaks?
I broke my right hand and thought, “If I’m going to look at a cast every day, it had better be on point.” So I bedazzled it with jewels. With my left hand.
How did you end up at Pattern?
I’d been doing something similar in St. Louis. When I moved here, I went looking for something to do. It’s been a great intro to Indy.
Describe your style.
Gucci meets Goodwill. I may have camouflage pants, but they’re tailored.
Any reaction from your fellow G-men?
Very positive. They ask what my closet is like.
It’s our third bedroom. Shelves to the ceiling. It’s major.