Green Bay versus Pittsburgh, again—according to Super Bowl Host Committee Chairman Mark Miles, that’s the matchup Naptowners should root for now that the Colts are well out of the picture.
Miles shared his thoughts with Super City exclusively on Saturday night, when he was inducted into the Hall of Fame of the United States Tennis Association’s Midwest Section, which is headquartered in Indy. Miles ran Indy’s professional tennis tournament from 1985 to 1990, and then he presided over men’s pro tennis worldwide during the Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi era.
After (tearfully) accepting his award Saturday, Miles explained why Packers versus Steelers—a rematch of last year’s Super Bowl—would be great for Indy. “Those fans are close enough that they can come by car but not come and go like Cincy or Chicago fans could,” he said, meaning that more of those fans could make the trip to Indy than fans who’d have to fly here. “And they don’t give a damn about the weather.”
To hear why Miles thinks Indy will serve up a smashing Super Bowl regardless of who plays for a ring, check out this video of his visit last month to his alma mater, North Central High School.
Photo by Jonathan Scott