IM: Where did you find these crazy boots?
DD: Target. Then I was packing for a trip, and I noticed them in my closet and thought they would add some flair.
IM: Where were you going?
DD: Hiking in Peru! Yes, I really wore them to go hiking.
IM: Where do you like to shop locally?
DD: The Secret Ingredient and Nordstrom, but I also go to Target and Walmart and some vintage shops. White Dog on Mass Ave has some great finds.
IM: How has your style changed over the years?
DD: As a young mom, I wore a lot of Ralph Lauren and Laura Ashley. Lots of pearls, too. Now I am much less conservative.
IM: What’s the one item you just can’t toss?
DD: My daughter’s prom jewelry, from 27 years ago! She was up for prom queen, and I bought her some jewelry at Block’s—or L.S. Ayres. It hasn’t been worn since, but I can’t part with it.
IM: Your bob is practically an accessory. Who cuts it?
DD: David Owens at Jata’s Salon. I’ve recently gone back to the same haircut I had when I was 6. True fashion people need a great haircut.
Photo by Tony Valainis
This article appeared in the June 2013 issue.