The Indy 500 fashion sense is always interesting, and again at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway track on this day christened “Fast Friday.” A gentleman from Anderson, Ind., posed in his garb of choice—not burlap and sandals but a “Praise the Lord” T-shirt and a headdress featuring the phrase “Jesus Is the Way.” It was all devoted to his favorite team, Kingdom Racing, and also to his maker, as it turns out.
It may seem at first a fluke or a flash in the pan, but Kingdom Racing is a very real thing. And it appears here to stay, committed to “deliver[ing] God’s word through motorsports” and “reach[ing] one million men for Jesus Christ.” Think of its workers as the Gideons of IndyCar, a nondenominational operation not hell- but rather heavenbent on fulfilling their mission, that being to share the gospel with as many folks as possible in motorsports, including some drivers, with testimonials on its website from a few of them.
Photo by Kim Hannel
Kingdom Racing Fan: Fast Friday Fashion at IMS
One man’s attire espoused the virtues of Kingdom Racing, not just a Christian T-shirt slogan but a true IndyCar-centric ministry.