Unspoken Rules: Milktooth

A manner-festo for tackling the Indy’s most critically acclaimed brunch spot.
  • Don’t expect to score a parking spot in the attached lot. And don’t get creative with the unmarked areas on the outer edges.
  • Stick with your chosen seat at the community table, even if a more desirable end spot becomes available.
  • It says it right there on the menu: “Modifications politely declined.”
  • Free refills on the drip coffee only. Everything else is brewed by the cup.
  • Sit at the counter if you can.
  • Before you ask, the silverware is already on the table, in the repurposed Café Bustelo can.
  • Get the Dutch Baby. Always get the Dutch Baby.
  • Don’t go on Tuesday (because it will be closed).
  • Baños means “bathrooms.”