11 Things We Already Want At Ikea Fishers

Here’s your first shopping list.

You might have received the latest Ikea catalog recently—it always comes out in late summer—but the book contains only about a third of the merchandise available in the stores. We toured Indiana’s first Ikea as it’s coming together at I-69 and 116th Street, and spotted these items we can’t wait to take home.

“Tobias” dining chair in dark blue, $79

“Livsläng” vase, $7.99

Ikea Fishers“Stockholm” cabinet, $369

Ikea Fishers“Docksta” tulip dining table, $179

Ikea Fishers“Själsligt” ceramic cacti, $14.99 for the set

Ikea Fishers“Skruvsta” swivel chair, $199

Ikea Fishers “Lattjo” activity book, $7.99

Ikea Fishers“Gosig Rätta” stuffed rats, $2.99

Ikea FishersKnäckebröd rye-and-bran crispbread, $5

Ikea Fishers“Poäng” armchair in birch veneer with Seglora natural quilted upholstery, $249

Ikea Fishers“Stockholm” flat-weave rug with arabesque pattern, 5’7″ x 10′, $199