At Home with Charlie and Kathleen Kimball

The IndyCar couple switches gears at their eclectic Old Northside house.

When driver Charlie Kimball (center) and wife Kathleen (on his right) relocated to Indianapolis from California in 2011, they quickly became downtown boosters and purchased this vibrant Old Northside home. Here, the couple gathers neighbors and racing teammates around the dinner table for some good, old-fashioned Hoosier hospitality. 

(Hover over image to bring up details.)



Charlie crafted this artful light fixture out of recycled bottles. “It was a Saturday project—well, not drinking all the wine,” he clarifies with a laugh.


From Ikea. “Whoever housesits usually leaves a fun message for us to come home to,” says Charlie.


They were already bright blue when the Kimballs moved in. “We’re not afraid of color,” Kathleen says.


After the annual Sonoma race, the Kimballs bring back their favorites from B.R. Cohn Winery in Glen Ellen, California.


Charlie’s relatives are avocado farmers in California and frequently send the couple shipments. “I’m always making guacamole,” Kathleen says.


Charlie’s parents gave the couple a special-edition set of Sunkist silver as a wedding present. Each handle is inscribed with an orange blossom. 


The Kimballs inherited this sturdy handcrafted piece from a friend who was downsizing. 


The couple uses the space as a buffet, prep area, and breakfast bar. “Whether she’s working at the stove or chopping veggies, it allows me to sit there and connect with her after I’ve been on the road or at the racetrack,” Charlie says.

Cutting Board

Driver James Hinchcliffe (far right), who officiated the Kimballs’ wedding, gifted them this piece crafted from barn wood. “We always have cheese out, and some type of meat from Goose the Market,” Kathleen says.


The couple’s two dogs like to hang out while Kathleen cooks. “The husky is a mama’s boy, and the lab is just very food-driven,” Charlie says.

This article appeared in the September 2015 Issue.