Crisp white walls, deliciously scented candles, and Belgian linen throws hardly conjure thoughts of mucking out horse stalls, yet Julie Browning Bova’s new space in Carmel City Center hews to her equestrian-loving roots. That’s because Bova, who boasts an impressive portfolio from more than 30 years as an interior designer and partnerships with top furniture lines, has always had a knack for pulling out the most luxurious elements of horsemanship—whether by adding a horsebit detail to a dining room chair in her American-made furniture collection or suggesting a customer might perhaps use the aforementioned linen throw as a saddle blanket. She’s currently working on the design of Gwendolyn Rogers’s forthcoming Cake Bake Shop in Carmel, a few doors down from her new studio. Though her own space is first and foremost a place for Bova and her team to meet behind closed sliding-barnwood doors with clients who understand the value of investment pieces, it’s also a retail shop, where customers can get a feel for her work and take home a piece of her exquisitely tasteful look in the form of their own throw—or saddle blanket, depending on how you look at it.
Julie Browning Bova Design
Carmel City Center, 317-580-9775

Tony Valainis
Don’t Miss
The grand, live-edge wood table, available by custom order starting at $8,000.