The Hot List 1.24.14

Stylish News and Notables

1. Baby, it’s insanely cold outside. Right—you knew that. But did you know these adorable, furry creature slippers for kids (pictured) are in stock at Ballerinas and Bruisers (180 S. Main St., Zionsville, 317-733-3400)? Or that the store will ship them to your house for free?

2. It’s weird, it’s drafty, and you’ll love it—Society of Salvage (1021 E. Michigan St.) has finally gone retail with its huge collection of architectural remnants after a year or so of selling only to the city’s coolest interior designers under the name IndySwag. There’s an emphasis on giant metal letters, fantastic lighting, and, um, dental equipment. Someone’s going to be the lucky owner of an old Harold’s Steer-In sign soon.

3. Save the date and get a blowout: Pattern‘s next networking event, on Jan. 30, will include vendors to hook you up with a headshot, if you need such a thing—say, for marketing a new business. Actually, you can skip the blowout because Meridian Design Group will be there to fix your hair. A makeup artist and photographer will also be on hand. This month’s meetup starts at 6:30 p.m. at Palm Studios (9800 Association Ct., Carmel).