The Shopportunist: Fashion Mall Luxuries

What to know before you hit The Fashion Mall on Black Friday

Get free rides, free gift-wrapping, and free stuff at The Fashion Mall on Friday—you just have to know where to look. Here’s a run-down of the center’s Black Friday luxuries:

No parking required. From 6 a.m.–6 p.m. on Friday, Uber and The Fashion Mall are giving Black Friday shoppers one free ride (up to $40 off) to or from the mall. Download the free iPhone, Android, or BlackBerry personal car service app and enter promo code BLACKFRIDAY317 or text the code to 827-222 (message and data rates may apply). You can also sign up at  Trips must begin or end at the Fashion Mall for the code to apply.

Santa gets there at 9 a.m. … And will bring cheer around the mall, surprising various shoppers with fun gifts. Kris Kringle arrives for photos at his set at 10 a.m. The first 30 children to the Santa Set get to make their own Gingerbread House from Williams-Sonoma.

Get gift-wrapping help at WRAP. This pop-up shop will provide complimentary gift wrapping, coats/bags/stroller check, and a place to rejuvenate. Hosted by the Indiana Ballet Conservatory, it’s located across from J. Crew in the Nordstrom wing.

Random surprises. Elves (well, management anywya) will surprise some Black Friday shoppers with exclusive Evian water bottles designed by designer Diane Von Furstenberg. And there are more unique gifts to follow throughout the season at the mall.

Check in to win. Hit the Insider iBar at guest services and check in on every shopping trip with your email to win a retailer gift. Everyone wins each check-in, from cookies, to Indiana Ice tickets, to surprises from that darling store C. Wonder, and even Xboxes.

No parking spaces? No problem. The valet service, which does cost you, starts on Back Friday, in the Saks Fifth Avenue wing, in front of The Cheesecake Factory and Starbucks.