Good Bones Recap: Episode 11

Good Bones Season 5 Episode 11
Good Bones "Cottage Becomes Artistic Oasis"

Photo by Madison Mascare

Hello, HGTV fans! Thanks for stopping by for another recap of Good Bones Season 5. This week was a new episode, even though it looked and sounded a lot like last week’s—affordable artist housing in Garfield Park. Same recappers, though—I’m Megan Fernandez, and I often write about homes for Indianapolis Monthly. My sidekicks Kristin Sims and Josh Cox are back again, too, fresh off working together on this month’s cover story featuring Indy’s favorite homes. Josh’s house even made the cut.

This week, in “Cottage Becomes Artistic Oasis,” HGTV audiences got to see the Tube Factory art center in Garfield Park. The Tube is run by Big Car Collaborative, the same group behind the Artist and Public Life Residency program that Two Chicks partnered with on this week’s and last week’s renovations. Indy has never looked cooler on TV than it does at the Tube. But first, a throwback Indy reference when this episode makes Mina think of the old Broad Ripple store Artsy Fartzy.

Good Bones Season 5 Episode 11
Good Bones “Cottage Becomes Artistic Oasis”

Photo by Madison Mascare

Josh: I had never heard about it. And much like Karen, my brain went directly to fart jokes. Did either of you notice that their energy seemed off in the first segment of reviewing the house? Maybe this was the third or fourth house that week that they had to shoot like this, but Karen just seemed checked out, and Mina seemed resigned to being unable to reel Karen in.

Megan: You’re referring to Karen immediately grubbing for pennies on the walk-through.

Kristin: She is only doing the country a favor—haven’t you heard of America’s coin shortage?

Megan: Evidently they were all on Nelson Street in Indianapolis.

Josh: Karen is the human equivalent of Dug from the movie Up. Just as lovable and completely distracted by everything.

Good Bones Season 5 Episode 11
Good Bones “Cottage Becomes Artistic Oasis”

Photo by Madison Mascare

Megan: This is the tiniest house ever, yet their explanation of how to rework the floor plan made me dizzy. I totally lost the kitchen. Ultimately, they worked some blueprint magic and made this an adorable house with sort of a circular layout. The whole front is a sunroom with French doors leading into the only bedroom and another set opening into the living room. The living room flows to the kitchen/dining area. They saved original woodwork that gives the space a lot of character.

Kristin: I really don’t understand why they put French doors in the bedroom. Egress? They freak me out.

Josh: Me, too. Maybe I’ve seen too many horror movies, but those French doors next to the bed, leading directly out to the porch, sent chills up my spine. Can you just picture a shadowy figure passing by the closed doors as you lie down to go to sleep? Cue the Halloween theme song, and take us to the next house, please!

Kristin: Plus, with the doors opening out, you can’t barricade yourself in! It’s about as scary as jacking up a house, with concern of it falling on your heads, without hard hats! The crew did this to level the floor, but they tried to jack up the house, with literally tons of weight, without waiting for the basement’s concrete to cure. I just thought it was all so crazy.,

Josh: I am sure they enhanced the sounds for TV, but those jumps from Tad and team member in the basement felt very real. Yipes!

Megan: As did MJ and Mina’s plan to steal some herb plants from Karen’s place for the “salad bar” container garden MJ made for the sunroom.

Good Bones Season 5 Episode 11
Good Bones “Cottage Becomes Artistic Oasis”

Photo by Madison Mascare

Josh: This episode brought a lot of MJ confessional time and revealed that he’s quietly hilarious. His plan to scavenge herbs and veggies from Karen’s house let us into a physical manifestation of what the inside of her mind looks like—her backyard! I was simultaneously stressed out and in awe of the sheer chaos.

Kristin: It was overwhelming. Come on, MJ, who shows up to dig in the dirt with a tiny painted basket?

Megan: I think this is how MJ would respond:

Good Bones MJ
Designer MJ on Good Bones

Josh: This little home had some really cozy moments that made it feel instantly like a place you could kick your feet up and settle in. I’m still in awe of MJ and Cory’s ladder ingenuity, designed so one half rests on top of a kitchen counter to reach a high shelf. I want one for my upper cabinets. If this doesn’t exist on the market already, MJ and team may have a million-dollar idea on their hands. Trademark that now.

Good Bones Season 5 Episode 11
Good Bones “Cottage Becomes Artistic Oasis”

Photo by Madison Mascare

Megan: Jim Walker and Shauta Marsh of Big Car Collaborative walked through the house. Add this to the Indy bingo card—seeing someone you know on Good Bones. And Mina, unable to wait two weeks for her IUI results, impulsively took a pregnancy test in a restaurant bathroom (and filmed it! what a TV veteran!). When she told Steve the good news, it seemed like that was the first time he heard it, for real.

Josh: If this was a fake, it sure filled my eyes with tears. Steve continues to be an adorable, big softy, unafraid to show his emotions and excitement.

Megan: My other favorite scene in this episode was when Karen asked MJ how they should decorate the space above the refrigerator, and without missing a beat, he said, “Live peacocks.” This episode was MJ’s finest hour.

Kristin: It was like his probation period is over and he can now come out and play with the rest of the kids.

Megan: Let’s hope it continues next week as we move on from Garfield Park. Do let us know if you’ve ever taken a pregnancy test in a restaurant bathroom, folks.